Monday, January 6, 2020
Roman Republic And Early Roman Empire Essay - 1511 Words
The later Roman Republic and early Roman Empire controlled most of modern day Europe through Northern Africa to Asia Minor. This time of complete dominance over much of the known world propelled Rome into a new era of wealth and prosperity that allowed Romans to look past military expansion. The Roman state now turned towards betterment of society and the â€Å"craving for a good education.†Education was seen not only as a tool for the furthering of personal careers, but as a way to improve Rome. Education passed along virtue and the skills necessary to run the Republic and early Empire. This knowledge began in the home, transferring from father to son through the role of fathers as paterfamilias or head of household. Fathers were in charge of ensuring the best possible education for their sons in hope that they would further the ideals and goals of a glorious Rome. Education, through the different steps of the informal Roman education structure and through the influence of the father, furthered the ideal of Roman virtue and ensured generations of virtuous leaders. Early education was usually obtained through the family especially since there were â€Å"no free public schools.†Even where there were publicly funded schools, Romans feared the privilege of education â€Å"might be corrupted to serve private interests.†This went against the Roman ideal that looked towards education as a betterment of society, not the individual. Pliny, in 100 AD to the community of Comum, argued itShow MoreRelatedRise of the Roman Republic Essay953 Words  | 4 PagesRISE OF THE ROMAN REPUBLIC Rome became a powerful empire engulfing much of Europe, North Africa, and parts of Asia and what seemed like this great entity called the Romans were always in the search of more territory and land to conquer and assimilate into their ever growing vast empire. 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